Daily Scorpio Horoscope July 24 (24/07)


Oct 23 − Now 21

Alias: Alias: The Scorpion

July 24


daily scorpio horoscope:

summary scorpio daily

Star 8/10

Making a particular decision could prove tricky as you can see the benefits surrounding both sides of what youre considering. For as long as youre viewing your dilemma logically, the situation might not change. Its possible you could see it with fresh perspective by stepping away from the process briefly. You need to start trusting what you feel, not what adds up or looks good on paper.


summary scorpio tomorrow

Star 10/10

It might be easy to view certain circumstances in your world that affect or involve others and believe youre better off stepping backward calmly and quietly to remove yourself from all that seems chaotic or confusing. There are limits to how interested in or involved with others business youre prepared to be. If you have enough to get on with that allows you to focus on what inspires and motivates you, then leaving others to their own devices isnt a bad idea.


summary scorpio weekly

Star 8/10

Where a line might have existed between what was yours and what was someone elses, that lines looks set to shift or be removed altogether now. A new level of commitment or at least an agreement can be reached where an agreed and accepted boundary is concerned. As you become more willing to share, so too will someone else. There could be a strong connection with your home or family regarding this but what gets agreed and put in place now will undoubtedly strengthen one association.


summary scorpio monthly

Star 10/10

If you have a financial adviser, then arrange a meeting with them because youre blessed with superb cosmic support this month to make shrewd and potentially lucrative investments. Money matters come into focus and numerous ways exist to maximize cash flow. Youll need to be more flexible and accommodating than you feel inclined to be where certain discussions or negotiations are concerned around the 9th. A significant boost to your determination levels around month end brings amazing developments on the work front if youre dissatisfied in your current role or are seeking a new job.


health scorpio daily

Star 8/10

With so many friends, you can be overwhelmed sometimes. Are you spending enough time with them, do you manage to keep in contact regularly? Have you noticed that you haven\t heard from someone dear to you for a long time. Focus on what you have to give of your time and see if something creative comes to mind that can help you stay connected with the people you care about, despite your busy schedule. After all, your life would not be whole if you had to spend it alone.


health scorpio tomorrow

Star 10/10

One of the best ways to improve your health is to give yourself more time. No, I am not talking about turning back the clock! Give yourself the time between activities to re-group and understand what you want and need to do next. When we rush from place to place, we lose our sense of purpose and regret the time we waste. Even the choice of what you eat will be affected by giving yourself enough time to notice what you really want.


health scorpio weekly

Star 9/10

Be open to ideas that can give you a new lease on life. The cosmos is going to inspire you in a big way. A book or website could give you a whole new slant on healthy living, healthy eating, and how to exercise in order to get the kind of body you\ve always wanted without hurting yourself. This is your chance to have the energy and fitness level you\ve always dreamed of.


health scorpio monthly

Star 8/10

Feeding your nerves continues to be important this month, and it can help you to feel calm even in situations when you might normally be a little anxious. In fact, keeping up this habit can be very important, as you may find it easier to deal with any extra work or matters that demand more of you than usual. Drinking water and avoiding too much caffeine can also allow you to feel more settled. But the need to do regular exercise is perhaps the most important factor, as it will help you channel excess energy while also keeping fit.


love scorpio daily

Star 10/10

Today\s celestial energy may be encouraging you to spin a few tall stories out of some relevant facts. Somehow you just can\t bear to let your date believe that you have led an ordinary life, as most of us have. Because you are already very enamoured by them, you want them to think you are highly desirable and special - and by the end of the evening they will!


love scorpio tomorrow

Star 7/10

Today\s aslignment of the planets could mean that you have a chance to get out and do some things on your own - providing a much needed break from your current relationship, which may have been proving rather difficult over recent times. This chance for space may well bring about a revolution in your understanding of the whole situation. You won\t want to repeat the same mistakes.


love scorpio weekly

Star 8/10

Do you have a feeling of dj vu in the beginning of the week or is it love at first sight? Theres something unique and magical about someone new, and you cant help but feel there is a cosmic reason that youre meeting at this particular time. You may be reminded of an ex at weeks end, but was the person really all that special? Nostalgia has a way of warping memories.


love scorpio monthly

Star 8/10

Words dont always mean what you think they mean during the Mercury/Uranus square on July 4, so always follow up written communication with an actual conversation. Miscommunication and romance dont mix. A favorable Mercury/Saturn trine on July 19 wakes you up and lets you see things that others may not, which puts you ahead of your romantic competition. Leave it to you to create openings where there were none! The feminine combination of Venus in Cancer on July 26 adds a hyper-sensitive element to your love life. The emotional ups and down are worth the potential payoff.


career scorpio daily

Star 7/10

Your mind is moving a mile a minute, but your thoughts are clouded. Be careful of what you tell people today. You are likely to get your facts mixed up, thereby getting yourself into a bit of trouble later on. Be more cautious with your words.


career scorpio tomorrow

Star 8/10

It is hard for you to make a decision today, since the variables continue to change. One minute, the information is one way, and the next minute, the information has completely morphed into something else. Be patient instead of making a major move.


career scorpio weekly

Star 10/10

It may seem like people are especially temperamental or moody now. It\s best to ignore other people\s irritating behaviors. This is a lucky period and you should feel particularly energetic. This is a great time for building friendships that support your career interests. This period can see you feeling rather lazy. It\s good for anything connected with photography, mass media, or advertising that reaches a large audience. Avoid mixing business and politics.


career scorpio monthly

Star 8/10

Youll receive favorable publicity for a job well done at the start of the month. Dont be surprised if youre featured in a magazine article or professional newsletter around July 9. Thanks to this coverage, several companies will offer you jobs. Theyre looking for someone with your skills. A career change around July 23 is a real possibility. You could snag a prominent position at a glamorous firm. It will be fun to work with high-profile clients with lots of money to spend. Instead of fighting to pinch pennies, youll be able to assemble elaborate packages that are the envy of your competitors.



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